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    Good, bad I'm the man with the gun...



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    kalabor106's News

    Posted by kalabor106 - December 21st, 2012

    Yeah finally gained some ground last week on the Zelda cartoon. Hopefully by the new year or earlier in the next month it'll be done. The other project TMNT one is going to take some serious time. So let you all know I have not given up its just a lot to do with what time I have.

    Getting closer

    Posted by kalabor106 - November 5th, 2012

    Well should of had the project done by now but been doing other things such as house repairs, work and of course playing pc games. Have Saminat doing background art since I so love it... Not! So that is always a plus to have a second artist on a flash. I'm also hoping on this one since its a smaller project that I can actually import it as a flash instead of a MP4. Seems like people on here like the flash player better. I'm thinking cause of the file size difference.
    Been playing mainly battlefield 3 on pc if you play that game and want to join in hit me or my bro up kalabor106 or yourfaceb. We can game it up. Anyhow that's about it, and enjoy your day.

    Posted by kalabor106 - October 21st, 2012

    Well I have not been working on any animation for a while. Lets just say a list of things have happen to keep me from doing it. Hopefully I'll have the next few weeks. Right now I'm working on two projects. One is a length project with a fairly big cast. The other one is only kalabor106 and I. Did about 4 hours of work today.
    While you wait check out this video

    Anyhow if for any reason someone needs help on a project and you'd like me to help let me know I'm usually up to the task. Have a good one.
    Oh and this weeks art trade if your up to it is nerds fighting each other. This can be from a video game challenge, fighting inside robots or what ever. Go at it!!!!

    Posted by kalabor106 - October 8th, 2012

    Kostou and I are doing weekly art trades.
    Three simple Things To Know!
    #1 Submit on Friday at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Ignore that since everyone that has done it so far just broke it and submitted already so I'll just put mine up too.
    #2 Stay on Topic
    #3 MAKE SURE TO TAG IT AS "ngartrade" *this ensures we will see your art.*
    Art Trade #1
    Draw an armored female warrior fighting some kind of monster.
    Nothing to win just a trade off. If this dose well we might end up doing monthly winners who knows.
    Now get your draw on.

    This time its a dragon with a rider

    Posted by kalabor106 - September 30th, 2012

    So decided to take part in a movie jam 2. Got it done. Seriously lost sleep over this and it was still ugly as sin.
    Anyhow glad that's out of my hair. Not sure what to think about it. Fun, tiresome, impossible... The time limit is a killer. Am glad to know there was a number of other people who gladly gave up sleep and shortening their lives the same as I did. ;)


    Posted by kalabor106 - September 11th, 2012

    Well had a few flash-toons that never made it as far as them making it to the portal either the flash was corrupted or the story just wasn't fun for me. But thought why keep them hidden? So here is links to them. I'll update and put a few more of the toons up as I find them ;)

    Kirby- was going to be about how he beats the whole game just by flying over it...
    http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/2edeafc14af1 52e634c39017a0b6f27c

    Chess Collab. I actually had this one finished for a collab but it fell through so it never got posted. Was going to post it but then the original flash project went corrupted and so I'm stuck only with this.
    http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0decd2aa5717 62b93573269f466774a9

    Megaman vs Superman
    Had a bunch more to it but then the computer I was using crashed and burned and this is all I got off of it.
    http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/790603ed5f69 07f67e9ce0f8617e6b58

    Didnt make the portal

    Posted by kalabor106 - August 22nd, 2012

    Got that short out finally. Would of come out a lot sooner but work has been demanding these last few weeks! But finally here it is. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/601523
    Like you'll notice I did it in rotoscope, again. Some people hate it others like it. So WTF I'll go both styles. Why be stuck with only one way to animate?
    Yeah the art was a bit sloppy. Guess I could of put more time into the lines and clean it up so it was beautiful but that takes way to long and I tend to get bored of the projects by then. Maybe I need another person that fixes my crap and makes it look pretty? Any takers...
    I thought so ;)
    Anyhow thanks for keeping me interested to post animation on here. Really is fun to see how everyone thinks of the work.

    Wow Front Page and DAILY FEATURE. Thanks so much everyone!

    Posted by kalabor106 - August 14th, 2012

    Been working on a short animation and its on the down hill part of the project. Just have to shadow and put some Sound effects and I'm finished with it. The story is by Saminat who really wanted me to do this project. So hopefully it makes sense when its all slapped together. I'm starting on another project here soon that I'm excited to make. Hopefully I'll be able to produce it the why I imagine it and want it to be.
    The halo cartoon I did the music for is really feeling the crunch and Me personally it deserves to be there. I'll need to be a little more careful in the future when choosing what projects to help with.

    Posted by kalabor106 - June 27th, 2012

    Sorry should of posted this sooner. The Samsquanch animation is out. It got FRONT PAGED which is always a totally awesome thing to have happen. I'm happy it wasn't hated too much, thanks everyone for the support. The people that helped in this animation have avatars hidden in the background. See if you can find all 4 of them. So far from the reviews they have only found 2 of them. So check it out if you haven't http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/597950
    I'll be working on some shorts for a little while. Not sure when the next bigger project comes out. That will most likely be creeping in the background while these shorts are being made.

    Posted by kalabor106 - June 13th, 2012

    Well been on and off on a project that I've been working on. This time not a video game parody but based off of Monster Quest. Its pretty close to getting done just working on the highlights and then SFX. So its close. After this I'm on a toss up of what animation to do next. Might have it listed as a big project and make a few small animations in between.

    By the way check out my good friend Eyesadrfit skit of "Hero's Toast." Its great to hear from him, and I thought it was funny. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/489996