Sorry should of posted this sooner. The Samsquanch animation is out. It got FRONT PAGED which is always a totally awesome thing to have happen. I'm happy it wasn't hated too much, thanks everyone for the support. The people that helped in this animation have avatars hidden in the background. See if you can find all 4 of them. So far from the reviews they have only found 2 of them. So check it out if you haven't
I'll be working on some shorts for a little while. Not sure when the next bigger project comes out. That will most likely be creeping in the background while these shorts are being made.
Ohhhh, you're the Contra guy!! I knew I recognized your art style. Great stuff.
Thanks. Contra was a fun one to make. I'm still planning before this year is over a second part to contra. Just not sure on the art style to do it in.