I can see this becoming a series. If you do. You must have doctor Mario in the ER for one of them. Anyhow, awesome work on the animation and voices. Keep up the good work!
I can see this becoming a series. If you do. You must have doctor Mario in the ER for one of them. Anyhow, awesome work on the animation and voices. Keep up the good work!
Is this the trailer for the newest kingdom hearts?
Got milk?
Is the rainbow guy going to be in it too?
Most likely at some point! :)
Looking at that makes me cringe. So many frames and detail. Do like how it looks and the explosion is done beautifully.
Hahaha. Had the same thoughts on that too.
Pretty funny man. It feels like cops really try to nitpick what law you might of broke or about broke. Going 2 miles over the speed limit and being pulled over for it is so true since that has happen to me. And you do wounder how many outrageous tickets they pull to get something for the department like a new car, new gear or even a breakfast. Anyhow great way to turn this into a joke.
Thought this would never come out. Guess buying that magic wand and wishing for it to come out really works!!!
Excellent job on this man. Enjoy seeing your work and how it seems to be improving on each project.
Great Job guys. Everything looks and sounds top notch. Was surprised how fast this came out.
Was thinking I've seen this story/event happen before in a cartoon and while talking to Twisted4k I bumped into that cartoon. "Cow and Chicken- Time Machine."
The hero's dumb responses to things were the best parts. Need more of that duff!
I swear every one of these you make has happen to me. Have you followed me around all my life? These are great! Always excited when I see you have posted a new one up.
Good, bad I'm the man with the gun...
Joined on 11/7/10