Hello people just thought I have not wrote anything on here for a while. So why not.
Still working on my TMNT cartoon but its really slow. Do to me just not taking enough time out to really get a good foot hold. It has a decent size cast of voice actors in it. But yeah I'll get it done some day...
Been also working on some pictures but seems like about half way through I loose ambition on it. Not sure why. I cant finish them right now. Just in some sort of rut. That or spring fever has really hit this year.
There is one thing I've been wanting to do. Have a Collab that I'd host. About 4 times now when I join a collab they fall through. What a drag. Let me know if anyone would want to do such and thing.
Anyhow you people enjoy yourselves.
I enjoy myself every day!
A little to much at times, you goof ball.