Sorry Ive been some what inactive on this site lately. Been a bit busy to really get any work done on any animation. Have such a list of ideas swinging around that its almost driving me mad that I cant get this one long time double dragon done. Been at it so long and it look likes odd junky. I might cut it short in some spots that don't really need to be done just to speed things up. Might have to also wait for the newgrounds update with their video add on. To be able to post this, since it might be over 20mbs. Unless I compress the hell out of it. Which is never a good thing to do.
Anyhow just letting everyone know that cares, that I'm still alive and working. Have a great New Year!
Double F-ing D Is going to be epic, about 3/4 done with it you think?
You Should know your helping me hehehe. Still have to draw about 2 full scenes which is about 30 secs a piece which dose not sound long unless its that freaking rotoscope. I hate it!
Anyhow I'm not hold my breath on this toon to make it big in anyway. I'm just looking forwards to getting this thing out of my hair.