I just got done watching it and I noticed that the animation was less sloppy than contra rampage.
Good, bad I'm the man with the gun...
Joined on 11/7/10
I just got done watching it and I noticed that the animation was less sloppy than contra rampage.
Hehe, yeah was trying to make it look better then contra. Glad to hear it did.
Haha that's no question my friend. Although the alcohol that I consume whilst talking to you is astounding lol just kidding man. Can you believe some of the tightwads on here giving sonic a low score? Eh can't please everyone haha. We should make more like this, people will come around. Always seems that they'll hate something before loving it. Seems to be the "cool" thing to do.
Oh yeah, not going to give into their freak episodes. Tell the story how we want, and they can complain all they want. I can careless. As long as its fun.
Oh I know man haha, as long as we find it funny, then it's great.
Should of made it "Mature rating" because half these younger people I believe actually think sonic is real, and that you hurt him. XD
OK, that's my two cents...nickel and dime on that.
Best start making them M, 17+ ratings to we can weed out the dorky little kids that seem to hate when something of theirs is made fun of. I could careless of someone made fun of my favorite character mega man. I'd just enjoy it like the next mature person. That is a good idea From now on we make them M. okay maybe not all of them.
^^^^^^^^ I think you're right
Trying to fix the audio on the Sonic cartoon hope it works and dosent tweak with any of the other stuff I did to it. Fingers crossed. Its really hurting the animation so its worth a try.
Might just bee how you put the audio in toon boom. We'll have to research how to do it better in CS4.
Hey, just wondering what program do you use? I am thinking of beginning animation and your programs seem cool and useful! I really want to know :3
I used "Toon Boom" to do the animating. Its really a great program to animate with. Easy and very user friendly.
I'll just list the pros and cons
Pros- Easier animation controls(making one is very simple to learn and start to animate. Its a fairly cheap program. You can pick up a beginners set for 89.00 or the pro series for 350.00
Cons- No action script(cannot add reloaders, replay buttons to start the cartoon.) Cartoon will play in a endless loop if its a flash. Not the best compressor as if makes a flash project HUGE!!!
If you plan on uploading on newgrounds a lot I'd avoid using Toon Boom. CS4 or CS5 would be your best bet but they are a bit more of a high dollar program. 400.00-700.00.
I wouldn't try the way I did it. I almost ended up dropping the entire project cause it was way confusing. It also dropped the quality of my project big time.
So in all if you plan to just animate get Toon Boom, but if its to post on a flash get some other program that supports flash action script.
Hope this helps if you have any other question feel free to ask. Good luck.
Unless you can find an older version of Flash 8 with Toon Boom those two work with each other rather well.
Hell yeah man, that amount of detail was totally worth it, it's going to be a pain but now we gotta keep up the quality and then some haha. It was way fun working with you on this and I hope that you'll let me tag along on your other animations. I loved voicing for you bro. If you're ever in town, I'll buy you a beer...or 20, hell we'll get plastered.
kalabor106 (Updated )
Oh yeah with the list of flash animations and ideas in store well be on the long haul for a while. More the question is how long will you tag along before you get sick of me, hehehe.