The last 20 seconds of your contra animation made me laugh freaking hard. Please, keep animating , and do that shit again.
Good, bad I'm the man with the gun...
Joined on 11/7/10
The last 20 seconds of your contra animation made me laugh freaking hard. Please, keep animating , and do that shit again.
true the animation was kinda sloppy but still the movie was as funny as hell , I even added it to my favorites you can even look!
It may be a bit sloppy, but it's WELL DONE. Your frame by frame and creative mind work conducively together. PLEASE continue to animate. You are very talented and with practice your work will become elite!
Nah man i like sketchy art and animations,
You have to admit. This is a big surprise. I'm almost embarrassed to see this animation on the featured movies. It was in no way my best work. I'm having fun seeing the reaction to this animation. Never got this kind of feed back from anything I've done. Its awesome! Again many thanks to everyone and I'll get to work on the next animation ASAP.
Some of it was sloppy, but some of it was impressive. Imagine what your future animations would be like with some more experience. Keep up the good work.
I'll be trying to get them to look better it'll take some time to figure out the tricks to animation.
well the beggining of it was kind of sloppy, then in the middle i liked the shakey look it had, and then at the end it looked like u used a motion capturing devise. realy good for a first submition
Yeah had a new program with a rotoscope option on it. So... Went and did some live acting and animated over the top of it. Not sure if I really like this style anyways and since its almost Taboo to use this style.
u only have one video nd ur doing it big nd junk!! congratualtationalsz ur b funny ass fuck
I really like the very fluid animation towards the end, it reminded me (and very well could be for all I know) of how the first Prince of Persia was made, with animating over actors.
It was funny, I like the style in the last half, its like you got better halfway through!
Hey man who cares if it's taboo, it looked freaking amazing! Just need some fine tuning and you'll be freaking awesome.
dont make it too clean! and the parodies dont really have to be about games!
that contra shit was mad funny! it was clever! it was good!
i know i liked it but dont get graphics to high then it will load to slow i know i need low (Q) if graphics get to high to me because my computer is slow o and welcome to NEWGROUNDS EVERYTHING BY EVERYONE >:)
Not really higher graphics. Just a clear look to it. So its not so jittery and bouncy looking on the movement.
Are you kidding me? The grotesque drawing/animating style was hilarious. Most of my laughs were from the visuals themselves
well i'll be damned ..........
Somebody with some style on newgrounds
keep it up man and please keep the motion capture stuff in it adds a kinda surreal quality to it that really makes your work stand out amongst the herd.
oh but it was already perfection :D